Giving Away One Million

SALES FUEL is my new eBook where you’ll find proven strategies for growing your customer base and expanding your influence. I’m on a quest to give away One Million copies before publishing on Amazon. You may access your free copy here:

If you’d like access to inspiring entrepreneurs, join my Business Drivers Facebook Group and I’d be happy to introduce you to my friends:

A version of this article published on MEDIUM on February 12, 2019.


About me: I published the book Superpowers Activated after realizing my personal journal contained life balance and growth mindset motivation anyone looking for self improvement would find beneficial. As an entrepreneur and enthusiastic reader of self help books and business books, I realized that my ideas for how to journal daily improved my self talk. Although we all have strengths and weaknesses, this new success habit retrained my brain to focus on strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses that lead to self sabotage.

As a business motivational speaker my focus is on sharing the ideas that empower audiences with a plan for how to journal daily and experience power that goes beyond personal willpower to succeed. The change in self talk that inspires readers gives them an internal compass for how to be confident in their own unique combination of talents, gifts and blessings combined with their knowledge skills and experience. The practice of a daily focus on strengths helped me win my battle with cancer.

As my consulting business began to evolve and attract business entrepreneurs, I began looking for ways to share effective business success ideas. Within the year I founded and completed my second book, SALES FUEL to give business owners new ideas for how to get more customers. In case you haven’t already, you can access your free copy here: is an international online marketing, sales and leadership training organization for busy entrepreneurs interested in profitable, enjoyable, accelerated business growth.

The three deadly habits every entrepreneur needs to avoid

The dream of their business is so vivid in their minds and the path to accomplish their goals is clearly in front of them, so why do so many business owners fail? Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of short-cutting the planning processes necessary for their business to overcome inevitable challenges and succeed.

When a business owner fails to plan, some nasty habits….. more

Perfect Time for a Look in the Rearview Mirror to Plan the New Year Ahead

It’s that time to make plans for the year ahead, but in order to keep moving forward in the right direction, I need to take a glance in the rear view mirror and acknowledge where I’ve been.

Now if you’re like me, you’ve heard plenty of well meaning people say things like “don’t look back, that’s not where you’re going.” I like to look back, especially at this time of year, to acknowledge my successes and failures so I can plan to repeat the successes and avoid those particular failures in the coming year.

In my new book Sales Fuel I talk about the great value our failures provide us. I even encourage intentional failures in some areas to determine the best course of action.

If you’re looking for new and better ways to build your customer base and expand your personal influence in 2019, download your free copy of Sales Fuel.

The following is the review of my year in business, followed by my plan for 2019. This email is a bit long. If you prefer a link to go ahead and get started with your own review, you can get my template outline. Click Here.

So here’s my review and plan. I hope seeing my personal review in action helps you kick start your own successful, prosperous New Year!

1. MENTORS (the people I learned the most from this year)

  • Judy Moreo
  • Julie Stoian
  • Lyn Collier
  • Russell Brunson
  • Tony Ferriera
  • Every guest on WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business


  • Learning to overcome the fear of seeming arrogant selling products and systems that I personally created and offer through my own company. (kicked this crazy fear to the curb)
  • Juggling the time it takes in creating, marketing, selling and fulfilling my products and services. (coming up with a system for this I’ll share with you soon)
  • Figuring out how to deliver my training online to anyone, anywhere. I reviewed several systems and discovered one that is super simple and does everything, including landing pages, sales funnels, monetizing, crm, email and more. I love it so much, I even became an affiliate. If you decide to use them through my link, send me a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a free gift. (Here’s my affiliate link for a free trial to ClickFunnels)


  • Discovering what some authors do to become an overnight best-selling author. I decided to be patient and have confidence I’ll get there with a legitimate business strategy.
  • Learning so many valuable lessons from my guests on WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business. Also learning that I’m not alone as an entrepreneur figuring out how to structure my business for growth and learning how to let go of tasks that someone else could do better so I can focus on what I do best.
  • Speaking to groups of seniors left me drained and feeling inadequate at addressing their health and well being concerns that surfaced during my presentations.
  • Speaking to groups of professionals and entrepreneurs left me energized and on an emotional high as well as being hired to help them become better at marketing, sales and leadership within their companies.
  • Discovering that there is a market for my business to business marketing, sales and leadership knowledge.
  • Discovering how to pull all my processes together under one system – ClickFunnels.


  • Started my business Superpowers365 in January 2018 with the goal of providing content for better health, greater wealth and lasting relationships.
    Published my hardcover book, Superpowers Activated, available on Amazon.
    Made several “Power Up Your Business and Life” presentations at events for professionals and seniors.
  • Discovered my superpower niche is serving entrepreneurs and business professionals who are the primary revenue generators for their businesses.
  • Hosted more than 100 episodes of a weekday video interview show WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business on
  • Established to better serve my growing client base.
    Started a Podcast – Driving With Debbie. Available on iTunes and 9 other podcast platforms.
  • Published an eBook SALES FUEL, available free at
    Created two master courses; The INFLUENCE Marketing System and companion course The ECHO Selling Model available at


  • Become known as the best worldwide resource for influence marketing, sales and leadership training. (this may take a little longer than a year ;0)
  • Deliver a consistent communication plan to provide value for and grow every audience on my Social Media Sites @DebbieDonaldsonLive; on my websites,; for my Email subscribers and Driving With Debbie Podcast.
  • Minimum 2,000,000 downloads of
  • Publish another book with information valuable to entrepreneurs and professionals that are the primary revenue generators for their businesses.

Talk soon,
Debbie Donaldson

P.S. Thank you for your business and friendship in 2018. I wish you all the best and a prosperous New Year!

The New Entrepreneur’s Secret

The future of entrepreneurship has arrived. It’s no longer enough to start a business. It’s no longer enough to work long grueling hours to build a business. Reality television and social media have changed what consumers expect of a business, of a business owner. Marketing, sales and leadership are no longer separate entities for an entrepreneur. In order to be successful today, an entrepreneur MUST become an expert at blending these vital activities seamlessly in order to succeed today.

The new entrepreneur doesn’t hide behind their brand or their product. They are the face of and the spokesperson for their company. Not in that old canned way of being filmed while walking and talking about how great their company is. Not with the tired “save time and money” rhetoric spewed in sales pitches and on company websites or product brochures.

Today’s consumers want authenticity, they don’t just want value, they want to know the values of the company they do business with. They want to know what a company they do business with stands for, stands up for, believes in.

The new entrepreneur is adept at telling their story, sharing their struggles and the problems they set out to solve with their product and company. The new entrepreneur is willing to talk about their values and become a beacon of hope for their industry…and for the less fortunate.

There was a time when “fake it ‘til you make it” was expected. Not any longer. We are in an era of authenticity. Customers have more information at their fingertips than any other time in our lives. They want to be able to identify with our values they want more than to purchase a product. They want to feel like they belong.

The new entrepreneur gets that marketing, sales and leadership are separate disciplines but is weaving them together for a total customer experience.

The new entrepreneur isn’t selling a product or service, they are growing their businesses using 3 proven formulas.

Are you a New Entrepreneur?

Debbie Donaldson, Founder & CEO of

Learn the 3 formulas for Igniting Your Sales in my new eBook SALES FUEL. Download your free copy today at

Gratitude Countdown to a New Year

It’s officially the 2nd week of December and within just 23 more days it will be a New Year. No amount of begging, pleading, wishing, hoping, marketing, sales or leadership can change the direction we are all headed. 2018 is ending and 2019 is on it’s way.
Some of the next 23 days will be filled with family fun…and maybe a little dreaded family drama. Some of those days will bring a moment of regret for hopes not realized this year or moments of hope for dreams of what’s to come in 2019.

It’s also that time of year for making lists, checking them twice and still forgetting some of the most important work of our lives. This is the part that always gets me. Worry about forgetting something or someone. Stress about whether I’ve done everything that needs to be done. Questioning and doubting if I’ve done enough to let the people in my life know just how much I care about them all year, not just at the holidays.
As I was thinking about all of this, I felt my heart beating a little faster and my body feeling a little warm, even though it’s cool. I felt anxiety creeping up on me – again. I suddenly felt the urge to jump up and do something…anything to calm my fear that I’m not doing enough, that I’m not enough.

Then I remembered something that helped me when I battled insomnia a few years ago. After I had tried all the typical things (a regular bedtime, quite, dark room, removing all the clutter from my bedroom – even the storage under the bed, no caffeine after 3 pm, light meal at dinner, not looking in a lighted screen like a computer, phone or television 30 minutes before bed), I was still tossing and turning instead of all the things that had gone wrong or could have gone better if only I’d….

Since I had that 30 minute window without electronic devices, I tried a few things. Meditation and reading didn’t quite work all the time. So I decided to write. I wrote down something or someone that impressed me that day. I ended up focusing on the things I was grateful for that day. It worked. It refocused my mind on the positive and that was calming enough to allow me to fall asleep.

So as I count down 2018, instead of stressing about all that could have been this year, each day I’ll focus on one thing that happened in 2018 that I am grateful for.

Follow my Grateful Today posts on my Facebook Page @DebbieDLive.

Today, I’m grateful for the people who create the fabulous technology that allows us to communicate so freely with each other.

Build the business and life you crave!
Debbie Donaldson