Giving It Away For Free

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When I started my company, I had this saying that I repeated in my head…”We’re fresh out of free!”

It didn’t work for me, since so much of my career, I gave away my advice, ideas and best insights for free to my clients. Switching to being paid for my knowledge, skills and experience was a challenge until I found a balance.

Today I… click here for more

What are you famous for?

We are all know for our qualities and character. The combination of those qualities is unique to us. But taken separately, it’s possible to develop knowledge, skills and experience around anything we want to be known for. That’s a first step in taking control of our personal brand.

Each week I deliver new tips on How to Build A Successful Personal Brand on my YouTube Channel Debbie Donaldson Live.

The three deadly habits every entrepreneur needs to avoid

The dream of their business is so vivid in their minds and the path to accomplish their goals is clearly in front of them, so why do so many business owners fail? Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of short-cutting the planning processes necessary for their business to overcome inevitable challenges and succeed.

When a business owner fails to plan, some nasty habits….. more

Perfect Time for a Look in the Rearview Mirror to Plan the New Year Ahead

It’s that time to make plans for the year ahead, but in order to keep moving forward in the right direction, I need to take a glance in the rear view mirror and acknowledge where I’ve been.

Now if you’re like me, you’ve heard plenty of well meaning people say things like “don’t look back, that’s not where you’re going.” I like to look back, especially at this time of year, to acknowledge my successes and failures so I can plan to repeat the successes and avoid those particular failures in the coming year.

In my new book Sales Fuel I talk about the great value our failures provide us. I even encourage intentional failures in some areas to determine the best course of action.

If you’re looking for new and better ways to build your customer base and expand your personal influence in 2019, download your free copy of Sales Fuel.

The following is the review of my year in business, followed by my plan for 2019. This email is a bit long. If you prefer a link to go ahead and get started with your own review, you can get my template outline. Click Here.

So here’s my review and plan. I hope seeing my personal review in action helps you kick start your own successful, prosperous New Year!

1. MENTORS (the people I learned the most from this year)

  • Judy Moreo
  • Julie Stoian
  • Lyn Collier
  • Russell Brunson
  • Tony Ferriera
  • Every guest on WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business


  • Learning to overcome the fear of seeming arrogant selling products and systems that I personally created and offer through my own company. (kicked this crazy fear to the curb)
  • Juggling the time it takes in creating, marketing, selling and fulfilling my products and services. (coming up with a system for this I’ll share with you soon)
  • Figuring out how to deliver my training online to anyone, anywhere. I reviewed several systems and discovered one that is super simple and does everything, including landing pages, sales funnels, monetizing, crm, email and more. I love it so much, I even became an affiliate. If you decide to use them through my link, send me a copy of your receipt and I’ll send you a free gift. (Here’s my affiliate link for a free trial to ClickFunnels)


  • Discovering what some authors do to become an overnight best-selling author. I decided to be patient and have confidence I’ll get there with a legitimate business strategy.
  • Learning so many valuable lessons from my guests on WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business. Also learning that I’m not alone as an entrepreneur figuring out how to structure my business for growth and learning how to let go of tasks that someone else could do better so I can focus on what I do best.
  • Speaking to groups of seniors left me drained and feeling inadequate at addressing their health and well being concerns that surfaced during my presentations.
  • Speaking to groups of professionals and entrepreneurs left me energized and on an emotional high as well as being hired to help them become better at marketing, sales and leadership within their companies.
  • Discovering that there is a market for my business to business marketing, sales and leadership knowledge.
  • Discovering how to pull all my processes together under one system – ClickFunnels.


  • Started my business Superpowers365 in January 2018 with the goal of providing content for better health, greater wealth and lasting relationships.
    Published my hardcover book, Superpowers Activated, available on Amazon.
    Made several “Power Up Your Business and Life” presentations at events for professionals and seniors.
  • Discovered my superpower niche is serving entrepreneurs and business professionals who are the primary revenue generators for their businesses.
  • Hosted more than 100 episodes of a weekday video interview show WAKE UP to The New Rules of Business on
  • Established to better serve my growing client base.
    Started a Podcast – Driving With Debbie. Available on iTunes and 9 other podcast platforms.
  • Published an eBook SALES FUEL, available free at
    Created two master courses; The INFLUENCE Marketing System and companion course The ECHO Selling Model available at


  • Become known as the best worldwide resource for influence marketing, sales and leadership training. (this may take a little longer than a year ;0)
  • Deliver a consistent communication plan to provide value for and grow every audience on my Social Media Sites @DebbieDonaldsonLive; on my websites,; for my Email subscribers and Driving With Debbie Podcast.
  • Minimum 2,000,000 downloads of
  • Publish another book with information valuable to entrepreneurs and professionals that are the primary revenue generators for their businesses.

Talk soon,
Debbie Donaldson

P.S. Thank you for your business and friendship in 2018. I wish you all the best and a prosperous New Year!


Life can be exhilarating and fun. It can also be challenging and lonely, especially if you are an entrepreneur like me. Here you’ll find help, hope and maybe a little inspiration as I share my journey building the business and life I love.

If you want to expand your customer base and your personal influence, order a free copy of my new e-book – SALES FUEL.

– Debbie Donaldson

How I Stopped Worrying About Money and Doubled My Income — Twice

At the age of 25 I was a single mom working as a customer service rep in Houston, Texas. My son was 10 years old, my daughter 8 years old and I felt like a terrible mother never having enough money for the things they needed and wanted. My salary didn’t quite cover the rent, car payment, utilities and groceries, so I felt like a failure constantly having to ask my family for help.

I was always worried about money but knew I was making the most anyone had ever made in the position I was in. So I asked my boss Steve for advice on how to get ahead and make more money.

Steve had become my mentor that I admired and trusted. He recommended I go into sales. He also suggested that I read the Houston Business Journal and the business section of the Houston Chronicle to stay informed on what was happening in business locally and what was going on in the world.

In addition to reading both the papers he recommended, I also subscribed to the Wall Street Journal. Can you imagine how hard it was for me to stay awake and read business news at the age of 25? Especially after working all day, taking my kids to sports and scouts activities, helping them with homework, making dinner, then reading with them before they went to bed? More nights than I can remember I fell asleep reading and woke up to newspapers strewn all over the bed and scattered on the floor.

Scanning headlines helped me find the businesses and industries that were growing, improving and learning about those not doing so well. I also started reading the classified ads for sales jobs. I had tried for several years to go into sales with the company I worked for, but they required a college degree to go into sales, and I didn’t have one.

I’d made my choice to have a family when I was very young. Supporting and spending time with them took all my time…and money. So going to college was not going to happen.

I ended up finding a sales job, but it didn’t lead to the increase in income I was hoping for. When I told my mentor Steve that I was considering going back into customer service, he encouraged me to look for another sales job. He was more confident in my sales skills than I was, but I trusted him and took a leap. That one didn’t end up paying enough either, so I took one more leap.

That’s when I found another mentor. An author Denis Waitley, who published an audio tape series called the Psychology of Winning. Now in my 30’s, I was finally making a little more than I had been making at 25, but it still was not enough to cover all my expenses. I felt guilty about asking my mom, sisters and brother to help me so often.

Not having enough money all the time was stressful and I have a bad habit of eating ice cream, cookies and candy at night when I’m stressed. It wasn’t a surprise that I gained several pounds, and being so heavy made me feel uncomfortable and less confident. My new sales job was selling over the phone to people all over the country, so I was sitting in a chair for hours getting very little physical activity in my day, making it even easier to gain weight.

When I started listening to my new audio tape series the Psychology of Winning, I decided three things. The first was to lose the weight I’d gained by walking, which would also give me uninterrupted time to listen to Denis Waitley’s tapes while I walked. The second thing I decided was to stop worrying about money. Then the third thing — I made the decision to double my income within the next year.

It finally happened. I was finally starting to make the money that would help me support my children without extra help from my family.

Deciding to double my income within the next year, believing I could and taking some very specific actions is what made it happen. I finally felt like my life was on track.

I was in a sales job that I liked and had even been promoted to sales manager. It turned out that I enjoyed teaching other people how to be successful in sales more than anything I had ever done before.

The company I was working for in Houston merged with a competitor in Kansas City.

That’s when I met my new boss John, the third mentor that changed my life. He was an entrepreneur and had built a business by targeting a very specific customer and creating a desire for a solution to a problem his customers hadn’t realized was keeping their businesses from growing.

But the most important thing he taught me was how to have fun with customers and co-workers.

It was the first time in my career I stopped craving money and started really loving what I did for a living. It’s funny how when that happened, my income doubled again.

If you’re an entrepreneur or in sales for a living, I’d like to give you a free copy of my new e-book SALES FUEL — The truth about what it takes to launch and navigate a fast growing business you love. Click here for your free copy.

All the best,
